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Periodiek systeem
H He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As S e Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba * Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra ** Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
* La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
** Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

1rightarrow.png Deze elementen worden gesorteerd in het periodiek systeem.

Atoomnummer Naam Symbool Massa Dichtheid bij 20°C Smeltpunt (°C) Kookpunt (°C) Jaar van ontdekking Ontdekker
1 waterstof H 1,00794 g/mol 0,084 g/l -259,1 °C -252,9 °C 1766 Cavendish
2 Helium He 4,002602 g/mol 0,17 g/l -272,2 °C -268,9 °C 1895 Ramsay
3 Lithium Li 6,941 g/mol 0,53 g/cm3 180,5 °C 1317 °C 1817 Arfwedson
4 Beryllium Be 9,012182 g/mol 1,85 g/cm3 1278 °C 2970 °C 1797 Vauquelin
5 Boor B 10,811 g/mol 2,46 g/cm3 2300 °C 2550 °C 1808 Davy en Gay-Lussac
6 Koolstof C 12,011 g/mol 3,51 g/cm3 3550 °C 4827 °C oudheid onbekend
7 Stikstof N 14,00674 g/mol 1,17 g/l -209,9 °C -195,8 °C 1772 Rutherford
8 Zuurstof O 15,9994 g/mol 1,33 g/l -218,4 °C -182,9 °C 1774 Priestley
9 Fluor F 18,9984032 g/mol 1,58 g/l -219,6 °C -188,1 °C 1886 Moissan
10 Neon Ne 20,1797 g/mol 0,84 g/l -248,7 °C -246,1 °C 1898 Ramsay
11 Natrium Na 22,989768 g/mol 0,97 g/cm3 97,8 °C 892 °C 1807 Davy
12 Magnesium Mg 24,305 g/mol 1,74 g/cm3 648,8 °C 1107 °C 1755 Black
13 Aluminium Al 26,981539 g/mol 2,70 g/cm3 660,5 °C 2467 °C 1825 Oersted
14 Silicium Si 28,0855 g/mol 2,33 g/cm3 1410 °C 2355 °C 1824 Berzelius
15 Fosfor P 30,973762 g/mol 1,82 g/cm3 44 (P4) °C 280 (P4) °C 1669 Brand
16 Zwavel S 32,066 g/mol 2,06 g/cm3 113 °C 444,7 °C oudheid onbekend
17 Chloor Cl 35,4527 g/mol 2,95 g/l -34,6 °C -101 °C 1774 Scheele
18 Argon Ar 39,948 g/mol 1,66 g/l -189,4 °C -185,9 °C 1894 Ramsay
19 Kalium K 39,0983 g/mol 0,86 g/cm3 63,7 °C 774 °C 1807 Davy
20 Calcium Ca 40,078 g/mol 1,54 g/cm3 839 °C 1487 °C 1808 Davy
21 Scandium Sc 44,95591 g/mol 2,99 g/cm3 1539 °C 2832 °C 1879 Nilson
22 Titanium Ti 47,88 g/mol 4,51 g/cm3 1660 °C 3260 °C 1791 Gregor
23 Vanadium V 50,9415 g/mol 6,09 g/cm3 1890 °C 3380 °C 1801 del Río
24 Chroom Cr 51,9961 g/mol 7,14 g/cm3 1857 °C 2482 °C 1797 Vauquelin
25 Mangaan Mn 54,93805 g/mol 7,44 g/cm3 1244 °C 2097 °C 1774 Gahn
26 IJzer Fe 55,847 g/mol 7,87 g/cm3 1535 °C 2750 °C oudheid onbekend
27 Kobalt Co 58,9332 g/mol 8,89 g/cm3 1495 °C 2870 °C 1735 Brandt
28 Nikkel Ni 58,69 g/mol 8,91 g/cm3 1453 °C 2732 °C 1751 Cronstedt
29 Koper Cu 63,546 g/mol 8,92 g/cm3 1083,5 °C 2595 °C oudheid onbekend
30 Zink Zn 65,39 g/mol 7,14 g/cm3 419,6 °C 907 °C oudheid onbekend
31 Gallium Ga 69,723 g/mol 5,91 g/cm3 29,8 °C 2403 °C 1875 Lecoq
32 Germanium Ge 72,61 g/mol 5,32 g/cm3 937,4 °C 2830 °C 1886 Winkler
33 Arsenicum As 74,92159 g/mol 5,72 g/cm3 613 °C (sublimeert) ca. 1250 Magnus
34 Seleen Se 78,96 g/mol 4,82 g/cm3 217 °C 685 °C 1817 Berzelius
35 Broom Br 79,904 g/mol 3,14 g/cm3 -7,3 °C 58,8 °C 1826 Balard
36 Krypton Kr 83,8 g/mol 3,48 g/l -156,6 °C -152,3 °C 1898 Ramsay
37 Rubidium Rb 85,4678 g/mol 1,53 g/cm3 39 °C 688 °C 1861 Bunsen
38 Strontium Sr 87,62 g/mol 2,63 g/cm3 769 °C 1384 °C 1790 Adair Crawford
39 Yttrium Y 88,90585 g/mol 4,47 g/cm3 1523 °C 3337 °C 1794 Gadolin
40 Zirkonium Zr 91,224 g/mol 6,51 g/cm3 1852 °C 4377 °C 1789 Klaproth
41 Niobium Nb 92,90638 g/mol 8,58 g/cm3 2468 °C 4927 °C 1801 Hatchet
42 Molybdeen Mo 95,94 g/mol 10,28 g/cm3 2617 °C 5560 °C 1778 Scheele
43 Technetium Tc 98,9063 g/mol 11,49 g/cm3 2172 °C 5030 °C 1937 Perrier
44 Ruthenium Ru 101,07 g/mol 12,45 g/cm3 2310 °C 3900 °C 1844 Claus
45 Rhodium Rh 102,9055 g/mol 12,41 g/cm3 1966 °C 3727 °C 1803 Wollaston
46 Palladium Pd 106,42 g/mol 12,02 g/cm3 1552 °C 3140 °C 1803 Wollaston
47 Zilver Ag 107,8682 g/mol 10,49 g/cm3 961,9 °C 2212 °C oudheid onbekend
48 Cadmium Cd 112,411 g/mol 8,64 g/cm3 321 °C 765 °C 1817 Stromeyer
49 Indium In 114,82 g/mol 7,31 g/cm3 156,2 °C 2080 °C 1863 Reich
50 Tin Sn 118,71 g/mol 7,29 g/cm3 232 °C 2270 °C oudheid onbekend
51 Antimonium Sb 121,75 g/mol 6,69 g/cm3 630,7 °C 1750 °C oudheid onbekend
52 Telluur Te 127,6 g/mol 6,25 g/cm3 449,6 °C 990 °C 1782 von Reichenstein
53 Jodium I 126,90447 g/mol 4,94 g/cm3 113,5 °C 184,4 °C 1811 Courtois
54 Xenon Xe 131,29 g/mol 4,49 g/l -111,9 °C -107 °C 1898 Ramsay
55 Cesium Cs 132,90543 g/mol 1,90 g/cm3 28,4 °C 690 °C 1860 Kirchhoff
56 Barium Ba 137,327 g/mol 3,65 g/cm3 725 °C 1640 °C 1808 Davy
57 Lanthanium La 138,9055 g/mol 6,16 g/cm3 920 °C 3454 °C 1839 Mosander
58 Cerium Ce 140,115 g/mol 6,77 g/cm3 798 °C 3257 °C 1803 Berzelius, Hisinger en Klaproth
59 Praseodymium Pr 140,90765 g/mol 6,48 g/cm3 931 °C 3212 °C 1885 Auer von Welsbach
60 Neodymium Nd 144,24 g/mol 7,00 g/cm3 1010 °C 3127 °C 1885 Auer von Welsbach
61 Promethium Pm 146,9151 g/mol 7,22 g/cm3 1080 °C 2730 °C 1945 Marinsky
62 Samarium Sm 150,36 g/mol 7,54 g/cm3 1072 °C 1778 °C 1879 Lecoq de Boisbaudran
63 Europium Eu 151,965 g/mol 5,25 g/cm3 822 °C 1597 °C 1901 Demaçay
64 Gadolinium Gd 157,25 g/mol 7,89 g/cm3 1311 °C 3233 °C 1880 de Marignac
65 Terbium Tb 158,92534 g/mol 8,25 g/cm3 1360 °C 3041 °C 1843 Mosander
66 Dysprosium Dy 162,5 g/mol 8,56 g/cm3 1409 °C 2335 °C 1886 Lecoq
67 Holmium Ho 164,93032 g/mol 8,78 g/cm3 1470 °C 2720 °C 1878 Soret
68 Erbium Er 167,26 g/mol 9,05 g/cm3 1522 °C 2510 °C 1842 Mosander
69 Thulium Tm 168,93421 g/mol 9,32 g/cm3 1545 °C 1727 °C 1879 Cleve
70 Ytterbium Yb 173,04 g/mol 6,97 g/cm3 824 °C 1193 °C 1878 de Marignac
71 Lutetium Lu 174,967 g/mol 9,84 g/cm3 1656 °C 3315 °C 1907 Urbain
72 Hafnium Hf 178,49 g/mol 13,31 g/cm3 2150 °C 5400 °C 1923 Coster
73 Tantalium Ta 180,9479 g/mol 16,68 g/cm3 2996 °C 5425 °C 1802 Ekeberg
74 Wolfraam W 183,85 g/mol 19,26 g/cm3 3407 °C 5927 °C 1783 Gebroeders de Elhuyar
75 Renium Re 186,207 g/mol 21,03 g/cm3 3180 °C 5627 °C 1925 Noddack, Tacke en Berg
76 Osmium Os 190,2 g/mol 22,61 g/cm3 3045 °C 5027 °C 1803 Tenant
77 Iridium Ir 192,22 g/mol 22,65 g/cm3 2410 °C 4130 °C 1803 Tenant en anderen
78 Platina Pt 195,08 g/mol 21,45 g/cm3 1772 °C 3827 °C 1557 Scaliger
79 Goud Au 196,96654 g/mol 19,32 g/cm3 1064,4 °C 2940 °C oudheid onbekend
80 Kwik Hg 200,59 g/mol 13,55 g/cm3 -38,9 °C 356,6 °C oudheid onbekend
81 Thallium Tl 204,3833 g/mol 11,85 g/cm3 303,6 °C 1457 °C 1861 Crookes
82 Lood Pb 207,2 g/mol 11,34 g/cm3 327,5 °C 1740 °C oudheid onbekend
83 Bismut Bi 208,98037 g/mol 9,80 g/cm3 271,4 °C 1560 °C 1540 Agricola
84 Polonium Po 208,9824 g/mol 9,20 g/cm3 254 °C 962 °C 1898 Marie Curie
85 Astatium At 209,9871 g/mol 302 °C 337 °C 1940 Corson en MacKenzie
86 Radon Rn 222,0176 g/mol 9,23 g/l -71 °C -61,8 °C 1900 Dorn
87 Francium Fr 223,0197 g/mol 27 °C 677 °C 1939 Perey
88 Radium Ra 226,0254 g/mol 5,50 g/cm3 700 °C 1140 °C 1898 Marie Curie
89 Actinium Ac 227,0278 g/mol 10,07 g/cm3 1047 °C 3197 °C 1899 Debierne
90 Thorium Th 232,0381 g/mol 11,72 g/cm3 1750 °C 4787 °C 1829 Berzelius
91 Protactinium Pa 231,0359 g/mol 15,37 g/cm3 1554 °C 4030 °C 1913 Fajans en Göhring
92 Uranium U 238,0289 g/mol 18,97 g/cm3 1132,4 °C 3818 °C 1789 Klaproth
93 Neptunium Np 237,0482 g/mol 20,48 g/cm3 640 °C 3902 °C 1940 McMillan
94 Plutonium Pu 244,0642 g/mol 19,74 g/cm3 641 °C 3327 °C 1940 Seaborg
95 Americium Am 243,0614 g/mol 13,67 g/cm3 994 °C 2607 °C 1944 Seaborg
96 Curium Cm 247,0703 g/mol 13,51 g/cm3 1340 °C 1944 Seaborg
97 Berkelium Bk 247,0703 g/mol 13,25 g/cm3 986 °C 1949 Seaborg
98 Californium Cf 251,0796 g/mol 15,1 g/cm3 900 °C 1950 Seaborg
99 Einsteinium Es 252,0829 g/mol 860 °C 1952 Seaborg
100 Fermium Fm 257,0951 g/mol 1952 Seaborg
101 Mendelevium Md 258,0986 g/mol 1955 Seaborg
102 Nobelium No 259,1009 g/mol 1958 Seaborg
103 Lawrencium Lr 260,1053 g/mol 1961 Ghiorso
104 Rutherfordium Rf 261,1087 g/mol 1964/69 Flerow oder Ghiorso
105 Dubnium Db 262,1138 g/mol 1967/70 Flerow oder Ghiorso
106 Seaborgium Sg 263,1182 g/mol 1974 Oganessian
107 Bohrium Bh 262,1229 g/mol 1976 Oganessian
108 Hassium Hs 265 g/mol 1984 Society for Heavy Ion Research
109 Meitnerium Mt 266 g/mol 1982 Society for Heavy Ion Research
110 Darmstadtium Ds 269 g/mol 1994 Society for Heavy Ion Research
111 Roentgenium Rg 272 g/mol 1994 Society for Heavy Ion Research
112 Ununbium Uub 277 g/mol 1996 Society for Heavy Ion Research


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