Bestand:Guide to finger-print identification (electronic resource) (1905) (14597913879).jpg

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Identifier: b20443493 (find matches)
Title: Guide to finger-print identification (electronic resource)
Year: 1905 (1900s)
Authors: Faulds, Henry, 1843-1930
Subjects: Dermatoglyphics
Publisher: Hanley : Wood, Mitchell
Contributing Library: Wellcome Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Wellcome Library

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n view,an adjustment can be made by measurement, and a simple calculationby the rule of three will enable the spatial relationship to bedetermined. The other lineations should then either actuallyconform, or conform in due proportion if the origins areidentical. To find a practical or provisional centre for the enclosing circle isnot usually difficult. The very core of the pattern may contain anisolated dot surrounded by a ring, as in fig. 8. This dot, or itscentre, would usually be precise enough. Again, the inner or outerangle of a gothic arched loop may be found in good position for thepurpose. Sometimes two such loops may induce perplexity. If so,a straight line connecting their apices may be bisected, and the centreformed at the point of bisection. The most troublesome cases occurin patterns consisting of a series of almost parallel lineations, likefig. 3 r. The inner angle of a junction, however, may often be foundin a fairly central situation in such a pattern. The present work
Text Appearing After Image:
55 contains variety of examples enough to furnish good exercises. In adoubtful or perplexing case, where perhaps two or three differentpoints might in turn provisionally be assumed as centre in thesmudge, several photographs should be taken and a provisionalcentre made of each of those points in different photographs.Possibly one might be found to conform exactly to that ofprisoners resembling finger-print. If the other lineations arecongruous in a clearly-printed and complex pattern good evidenceof identification might be obtained. Care is required in making thecircles not to injure the print, and a little practice ought to beobtained before dealing with a legal case. In examining finger-printswhich have been officially printed the hand is known to be right orleft, and each finger occurs in its natural or serial order from thumbto little finger. When we come, however, to examine a presumptive finger-print which is only a smear or smudge with blurredlineations, we must not assume that

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

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  • bookid:b20443493
  • bookyear:1905
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Faulds__Henry__1843_1930
  • booksubject:Dermatoglyphics
  • bookpublisher:Hanley___Wood__Mitchell
  • bookcontributor:Wellcome_Library
  • booksponsor:Wellcome_Library
  • bookleafnumber:82
  • bookcollection:wcforensics
  • bookcollection:wellcomelibrary
  • bookcollection:ukmhl
  • bookcollection:medicalheritagelibrary
  • bookcollection:europeanlibraries
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30 juli 2014


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