Slag bij Meadow Bridge
Sjabloon:Infobox militair conflict
De Slag bij Meadow Bridge was een veldslag in de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog tijdens de Overland-veldtocht. Deze veldslag was het einde van iets meer dan 6 maanden rust in de Overland-veldtocht.
Op 11 mei 1864 hadden Sheridan en zijn unionistische cavalerie, op de tweede dag van een raid bij de zuidelijke hoofdstad Richmond (Virginia), Majoor Generaal J.E.B. Stuart in de Slag bij Yellow Tavern dodelijk verwond en verslagen. Blij met zijn overwinning, leidde Sheridan zijn troepen zuidwaards naar Richmond. Onder dreigende wolkluchten zochten ze zorgvuldig een weg tussen de buitenste verlaten verdedigingswerken. Wanneer de duisternis viel, begon het de stormen boven de colonne, maar Sheridan bleef met zijn troepenmacht verdergaan naar Brook Pike, maar hij wist niet dat hij zichzelf aan het leiden was in een val. De Zuidelijken hadden de torpedoes (mijnen) in de road-many laten exploderen tijdens de achtervolging, en hadden verschijdene paarden gedood, maar hadden verder de colonne niet opgehouden. Wanneer de eerste lichtstralen vielen en de storm over was gegaan, was Sheridan enkel twee en een halve mijl van Richmond verwijdert. Maar tot zijn schrik zaten de zogezegd "verlaten" verdedigingswerken vol met zuidelijke soldaten. Zijn linkerflank lag naast de Chickahomy River, waar het peil hoog stond. De zuidelijke troepen vielen zijn achterkant aan, met de hoop de unionisten vast te zetten.
De slag
Sheridan quickly evaluated the situation and decided to force a crossing of the river at Meadow Bridge, where the Virginia Central Railroad crossed the river. Confederates had earlier dismantled the flooring on the road part of the bridge, rendering it temporarily useless, although the rest of the bridge was intact. Sheridan assigned the First Division under Brig. Gen. Wesley Merritt to seize the span and the high bluffs beyond. The Third Division, under Brig. Gen. James H. Wilson, would follow as soon as the bridgehead was secure, while Brig. Gen. David McM. Gregg’s Second Division formed between Richmond and the river to protect the planned crossing.
The rearguard of the Second Division was assailed on three sides as soon as it was light enough for a brigade of Confederate infantry to sally forth from the fortifications and attack. Soon, other Confederates, including Richmond citizens hastily pressed into military service, joined in the efforts to break through the rear lines. According to the regimental historian of the veteran 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry,
Every effort was made by the enemy to break the lines of our division and push us back into the river and swamp. But as often as he came up, he was driven back with heavy loss. The fighting continued thus, the enemy charging, time after time, only to be hurled back, until about eleven A.M., when, apparently completely disheartened by his repeated repulses, he withdrew…
Wilson’s men were initially pushed back in some confusion, but Gregg had concealed a heavy line of skirmishers armed with repeating carbines in a brushy ravine. His men poured forth a destructive fire, halting the final Confederate advances, assisted by some of Wilson’s men who turned the flank of the attacking column. Federal horse artillery made sure that the Confederate infantry no longer was a threat, and three mounted cavalry regiments skirmished with approaching enemy cavalry, turning them aside and protecting the rear. James B. Gordon, a Confederate brigadier general commanding a North Carolina cavalry brigade, was mortally wounded in the fighting and died on May 18.
In the meantime, the 6th New York Cavalry, under Colonel Alfred Gibbs, carefully had crossed the railroad bridge and charged down a narrow causeway beyond, scattering the resistance and opening the way despite persistent enemy artillery fire. Brig. Gen. George Armstrong Custer’s dismounted troopers of Merritt’s Division then succeeded in the early afternoon in clearing the north bank of the Chickahominy and gaining a foothold on the Confederate side of the river. Custer’s men pinned down remaining threatening enemy units and captured two artillery pieces, while pioneers energetically planked the bridge to provide safe passage for large numbers of men and horses. By mid-afternoon, Merritt’s entire division had crossed and engaged the Confederate hasty works on Richmond Heights, driving the defenders back to Gaines’ Mill. By 4:00 p.m., the rest of Sheridan’s cavalry had crossed the river. Sheridan destroyed the Virginia Central Bridge in his wake to prevent further pursuit. For the balance of the day, Sheridan’s men collected their wounded, buried their dead, grazed their horses in the pastures, and eagerly read Richmond newspapers, which two enterprising small boys had brought across the lines and sold to the Union soldiers.
After his men had rested, Sheridan brushed aside the remaining Confederate resistance in the area and marched his column to Mechanicsville, out of harm’s way. On May 14, he led his men to the safety of the James River, ending his raid.
Sheridan reported 425 casualties in the march from Yellow Tavern. Confederate losses are not recorded.
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