Gebruiker:Philippe/Mirc scripts
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Pvt blocker
Deze moet in Remote (Alt +R)
on *:load:{
if ($version < 5.91) echo -a � $+ $colour(info2) $+ *** This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , you need latest mirc in order to use this addon. | beep echo -a �4Please type: �/secure.query� on channel to open configuration..
- [read write data/setting.ini]
alias _vr {
if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini } return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
} alias _vw {
if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini } writeini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2 $$3-
} alias _vrem {
if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini } remini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
alias -l sqo {
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { return [x] } else { return }
} alias -l sqf {
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == off) { return [x] } else { return }
} alias secure.query {
if ($version < 5.91) { echo -a ��4This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , please upgrade to latest mIRC | beep | halt } if ($dialog(querycon) == $null) { dialog -m querycon querycon }
} alias secure.query.nick {
if ($version < 5.91) { echo -a ��4This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , please upgrade to latest mIRC | beep | halt } dialog -m $_vr(querycon,query.nick) querycon1 _vrem querycon lastmsg
} dialog querycon1 {
title "PVT blocker " size -1 -1 218 98 option dbu box "", 33, 7 14 202 62 button "Accept", 28, 8 82 37 10, disable default ok button "Ignore", 26, 49 82 32 10, disable button "Decline", 27, 85 82 32 10, disable edit "", 1, 72 22 119 14, read autohs edit "", 30, 72 40 119 14, read autohs edit "", 29, 72 57 119 14, read autohs check " Turn on PVT blocker", 31, 10 6 70 7 button "Setup", 2, 121 83 39 8 button "Give access", 3, 164 83 47 8, disable box "", 4, 4 76 210 18 text "Nick", 5, 29 25 39 8 text "Address (ip)", 6, 28 44 42 8 text "Message", 7, 28 60 42 9 text "", 8, 129 5 27 8, right text "", 9, 74 5 53 8, right
} dialog querycon {
title "PVT blocker " size -1 -1 232 130 option dbu button "ok", 12, 102 114 25 10, default ok tab "Configuration", 2, 3 0 226 125 edit "", 3, 5 41 220 11, tab 2 autohs text "Standard msg", 13, 6 32 61 8, tab 2 edit "", 4, 5 61 220 10, tab 2 autohs check "Enable", 15, 67 82 32 20, tab 2 button "Find any sound", 16, 103 83 40 20, tab 2 box "Alarm at query", 17, 64 74 82 32, tab 2 edit "", 208, 165 79 20 12, tab 2 button "-", 206, 154 81 9 9, tab 2 text "Secs", 210, 199 81 20 12, tab 2 box "Auto-close after", 209, 147 72 79 34, tab 2 button "+", 207, 187 81 9 9, tab 2 text "decline msg", 14, 6 54 44 7, tab 2 check "Turn on PVT blocker", 33, 12 20 81 10, tab 2 check "Notify usesr have access?", 49, 127 19 96 10, tab 2 check "Enable auto-close", 50, 148 94 77 10, tab 2 box "", 51, 7 14 218 18, tab 2 tab "Log files", 11 list 34, 8 19 56 50, tab 11 sort size hsbar button "Erase", 35, 8 72 34 13, tab 11 button "Copy", 39, 176 72 45 11, tab 11 check "Log msg's on query?", 43, 8 111 91 10, tab 11 edit "", 52, 100 81 74 10, tab 11 autohs button "Give access", 53, 119 91 37 11, tab 11 edit "", 64, 67 19 156 51, tab 11 read multi vsbar button "Erase all", 65, 8 86 34 12, tab 11 text "nick!ident@hostmask", 1, 44 82 53 8, tab 11 tab "Protection", 32 radio "universal mask *!*@*", 211, 12 28 62 12, tab 32 radio "host mask ignore", 212, 12 43 62 9, tab 32 box "Type of pvt Ignore", 213, 7 17 74 37, tab 32 edit "", 214, 123 40 10 10, tab 32 check "Enable", 219, 89 28 40 10, tab 32 box "Protection from PVt flood", 216, 85 17 111 37, tab 32 edit "", 217, 178 41 15 10, tab 32 text "msg's", 215, 88 41 32 8, tab 32 text "secs", 218, 135 41 40 9, tab 32 tab "Accees", 40 list 41, 12 41 208 50, tab 40 sort size hsbar button "Erase", 42, 13 93 41 14, disable tab 40 text "List of users with access", 44, 13 33 79 8, tab 40 edit "", 45, 38 18 124 15, tab 40 autohs button "Add", 46, 165 18 48 15, disable tab 40 text "Address (ip)", 47, 5 20 33 9, tab 40 tab "About", 5 text "This addon is writed for (free psybnc ,eggdrop) ", 6, 40 20 146 10, tab 5 link "", 7, 55 32 44 8, tab 5 text "Go to", 8, 40 32 15 8, tab 5 text "and get account..", 9, 100 32 86 8, tab 5 text "---------------------------------------------- About Author ----------------------------------------------", 10, 7 46 220 8, tab 5 text "-Author: mikkssa -E-mail: - ", 18, 7 57 220 21, tab 5 link "", 19, 53 83 59 8, tab 5 text "Authors Web site:", 20, 7 83 45 8, tab 5 text "That is all", 21, 6 99 25 8, tab 5
on *:dialog:*:init:*:{
if ($dialog(querycon) == $dname) { if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { did -c querycon 33 } elseif ($_vr(querycon,switch) == $null) { _vw querycon switch on | did -c querycon 33 } if ($_vr(querycon, == $null) { _vw querycon on | _vw querycon ignore.uni off } if ($_vr(querycon,decline) == $null) { _vw querycon decline You are declined .. Try later } if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == on) && ($_vr(querycon, == off) { did -c querycon 211 1 } else did -c querycon 212 1 did -o querycon 3 1 $_vr(querycon,standby) did -o querycon 4 1 $_vr(querycon,decline) if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) == on) { did -c querycon 15 } if ($_vr(querycon,timer) == $null) { _vw querycon timer 240 } did -o querycon 208 1 $_vr(querycon,timer) if ($_vr(querycon,max.query) == $null) { _vw querycon max.query 5 | did -o querycon 214 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query) } else did -o querycon 214 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query) if ($_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) == $null) { _vw querycon max.query.sec 20 | did -o querycon 217 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) } else did -o querycon 217 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) == on) did -c querycon 219 else did -b querycon 211,217,212,214 if ($_vr(querycon,log) == on) { did -c querycon 43 } elseif ($_vr(querycon,log) == $null) { _vw querycon log on | did -c querycon 43 } if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == on) { did -c querycon 49 } elseif ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == $null) { _vw querycon notifyaccess on | did -c querycon 49 } if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) == on) { did -c querycon 50 } did -b querycon 46,42 nick.list s.levels did -z querycon 34 } if ($dialog($dname) == $_vr(querycon,query.nick)) { if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) == on) { %qs.nick = $_vr(querycon,query.nick) | .timer 1 $sq_t close.qw } }
} on *:dialog:querycon:edit:*:{
if ($did == 3) { if ($did(querycon,3).text != $null) { _vw querycon standby $did(querycon,3).text } } if ($did == 4) { if ($did(querycon,4).text != $null) { _vw querycon decline $did(querycon,4).text } } if ($did == 45) { if ($did(querycon,45).text != $null) { did -e querycon 46 } elseif ($did(querycon,45).text == $null) { did -b querycon 46 } } if ($did == 208) { if ($did(querycon,208).text != $null) { _vw querycon timer $did(querycon,208).text } } if ($did == 214) { if ($did(querycon,214).text != $null) { _vw querycon max.query $did(querycon,214).text } } if ($did == 217) { if ($did(querycon,217).text != $null) { _vw querycon max.query.sec $did(querycon,217).text } }
on *:dialog:*:sclick:*:{
if (Query request $dname == $dialog($dname).title) { if ($did == 2) { secure.query } if ($did == 3) { auser -a securequery $address($did(1,$did(1)),3) $did(1,$did(1)) | did -b $did(1,$did(1)) 3 if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == on) { if ($server != $null) { .msg $did(1,$did(1)) Dodati ste na moju access listu. Uzivajte u chat-u } } } if ($did == 27) { .ignore -pu180 $did(30,$did(30)) | .msg $did(1,$did(1)) $_vr(querycon,decline) | dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) } if ($did == 28) { .ignore -r $address($did(1,$did(1)),2) | query $did(1,$did(1)) | .timer -m 1 1 echo $did(1,$did(1)) < $+ $did(1,$did(1)) $+ > $did(29,$did(29)) | _vrem querycon lastmsg if ($server != $null) { .msg $did(1,$did(1)) } dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) } if ($did == 26) { .ignore -p $address($did(1,$did(1)),3) | dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) } if ($did == 31) { if ($_vr(querycon,switch) != on) { _vw querycon switch on } else { _vw querycon switch off } } } if ($dialog(querycon) == $dname) { if ($did == 15) { if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) != on) { _vw querycon soundswitch on | did -c querycon 15 } else { _vw querycon soundswitch off | did -u querycon 15 } } if ($did == 16) { setquerysound } if ($did == 206) { if (%timer > 0) { dec %timer 1 | did -o querycon 208 1 %timer | _vw querycon timer %timer } } if ($did == 207) { inc %timer 1 | did -o querycon 208 1 %timer | _vw querycon timer %timer }
if ($did == 39) { clipboard < $+ $did(34,$did(34).sel) $+ > $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),msg) } if ($did == 34) { did -r querycon 64 | did -a querycon 64 $chr(91) $+ $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),date) $+ $chr(93) | did -a querycon 64 $crlf $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),msg) | did -o querycon 52 1 $_vr(securequery,$did(34,$did(34).sel))) } if ($did == 33) { if ($_vr(querycon,switch) != on) { _vw querycon switch on } else { _vw querycon switch off } } if ($did == 35) { write -ds $+ $did(34,$did(34).sel) securequery\names.txt | _vrem securequery $did(34,$did(34).sel)) | .timer -m 1 1 nick.list } if ($did == 41) { did -e querycon 42,46 | did -o querycon 45 1 $did(41,$did(41).sel)) } if ($did == 42) { ruser $did(41,$did(41).sel) | s.levels } if ($did == 43) { if ($_vr(querycon,log) != on) { _vw querycon log on | did -c querycon 43 } else { _vw querycon log off } } if ($did == 50) { if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) != on) { _vw querycon auto-close on | did -c querycon 50 } else { _vw querycon auto-close off } } if ($did == 53) { if ($did(querycon,52).text != $null) { .auser -a securequery $did(querycon,52).text | did -r querycon 52 } } if ($did == 49) { if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) != on) { _vw querycon notifyaccess on | did -c querycon 49 } else { _vw querycon notifyaccess off } } if ($did == 46) { if ($did(querycon,45).text != $null) { .auser -a securequery $did(querycon,45).text | did -r querycon 45 | s.levels } } if ($did == 65) { .remove securequery\names.txt | .remove securequery\logs.ini | did -r querycon 64,34,52 } if ($did == 211) { if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == off) { _vw querycon ignore.uni on | _vw querycon off | did -c querycon 211 | did -u querycon 212 } else { _vw querycon ignore.uni off | _vw querycon on | did -u querycon 211 | did -c querycon 212 } } if ($did == 212) { if ($_vr(querycon, == off) { _vw querycon on | _vw querycon ignore.uni off | did -c querycon 212 | did -u querycon 211 } else { _vw querycon off | _vw querycon ignore.uni on | did -u querycon 212 | did -c querycon 211 } } if ($did == 219) { if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) == off) { _vw querycon netflood on | did -c querycon 219 | did -e querycon 211,217,212,214 } else { _vw querycon netflood off | did -u querycon 219 | did -b querycon 211,217,212,214 } } }
} alias -l sr {
if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini } return $readini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2
} alias -l sw {
if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini } writeini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2 $$3-
} alias -l srem {
if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini } remini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2
} on ^*:open:?: {
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == $null) { _vw querycon switch on } if ($finddir($mircdir\,securequery*,1) == $null) { mkdir securequery } if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) != on) { inc %upflood15 1 if (%upflood15 > $_vr(querycon,max.query)) { if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == on) { .ignore -pu $+ $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) *!*@* } else { .ignore -pu $+ $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) $wildsite } echo -a �4[ ALERT ]� $nick is �Query Flooding�. User ( $+ $wildsite $+ ) now ignored for $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) secs. } .timer 1 60 unset %upflood15 } if ($_vr(querycon,standby) == $null) { _vw querycon standby ..::[auto mesage]::.. If i want to answer you i will answer .. if not you will be ignored. ! } if ($level($address($nick,3)) == securequery) { goto end } if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Global) { goto end } if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Nickserv) { goto end } if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Chanserv) { goto end } if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Memoserv) { goto end } if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) == on) { if ($_vr(querycon,sound) != $null) { splay $_vr(querycon,sound) } } echo -a � $+ $colour(notice) $+ �0�Nick�15 (� $+ �14 $nick �15 $+ �)�0 Want's to talk with you $me if ($_vr(querycon,log) == on) { if ($read(securequery\names.txt, w, $nick) == $nick) { write -ds $+ $nick securequery\names.txt } sw $nick date $asctime(h:nn:sstt m/d) | sw $nick msg $strip($1-,burc) | write securequery/names.txt $nick | _vw securequery $nick $wildsite | nick.list } .msg $nick $_vr(querycon,standby) _vw querycon query.nick $nick if ($dialog($nick) == $null) { secure.query.nick } dialog -t $_vr(querycon,query.nick) Query request $nick did -o $nick 1 1 $_vr(querycon,query.nick) .ignore -pu120 $wildsite whosqial $nick did -o $nick 9 1 ( $+ $network $+ ) did -o $nick 30 1 updating... did -o $nick 29 1 $strip($1-,burc) did -o $nick 8 1 $asctime(hh:nntt)
if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { did -c $nick 31 } haltdef :end }
- sqialud off
raw 352:*: {
if ($dialog($6) != $null) { did -o $6 30 1 *!* $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4 | did -e $6 26,28,3,27 | .timer 1 5 .disable #sqialud | haltdef } else { if ($dialog($6) != $null) { did -e $6 26,28,3,27 | .timer 1 5 .disable #sqialud | halt } } halt
} raw 315:*: {
- sqialud end
alias -l whosqial { .enable #sqialud | .who $$1 } alias -l secure.dir {
mkdir " $+ $mircdirsecurequery $+ \ $+ " return securequery $+ \
} alias -l sq_t {
return $_vr(querycon,timer)
alias -l nick.list {
if ($dialog(querycon) != $null) { did -r querycon 64,34,52 var %fst = $lines(securequery\names.txt) var %f = 1 while (%f <= %fst) { did -a querycon 34 $read(securequery\names.txt,%f) | inc %f 1 } }
} alias -l s.levels {
did -r querycon 41 var %s.l = $ulist(*,securequery,0) if (%s.l == 0) { did -b querycon 42 | return } else did -e querycon 42 var %s.w = 0 :loop inc %s.w if (%s.w <= %s.l) { did -a querycon 41 $ulist(*,securequery,%s.w) | goto loop } else return
} alias -l close.qw { if ($dialog(%qs.nick) != $null) dialog -x %qs.nick } alias -l setquerysound {
_vw querycon sound $$dir="Choose a wav:" $mircdir*.wav;*mp3;*.mid
Welcome notice
Deze moet ook in remote (alt + R)
on ^*:join:# {
if ($nick != $me) { /notice $nick Welcome on channel $chan .. Enjoy in chat }
Part notice
Deze moet ook in remote (alt +R)
on ^*:part:# {
if ($nick != $me) { /notice $nick Have a nice day .. and back to as again.. }
Windows XP Control Panel
Deze moet ook in remote (alt + R)
dialog windows {
title "Windows XP" size -1 -1 339 191 option dbu button "Regional and Language Options", 4, 84 101 86 18, flat button "System Properties", 5, 17 50 54 18, flat button "Display Properties", 6, 17 76 54 18, flat button "User Accounts", 7, 99 76 54 18, flat button "Date and Time Properties", 8, 92 50 70 18, flat button Add Remove Programs, 9, 14 113 62 18, flat button "Network Connections", 11, 183 76 54 18, flat button "Internet Properties", 12, 183 51 54 18, flat box "", 16, 177 45 66 58 box "", 17, 12 104 66 34 box "", 18, 82 44 90 82 box "", 20, 12 44 66 58 box "", 19, 251 46 74 82 button "Keyboard Properties", 21, 260 52 54 18, flat button "Mouse Properties", 22, 260 78 54 18, flat button "Game Controllers", 23, 260 103 54 18, flat button "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties", 1, 19 15 94 18, flat button "Accessibility Options", 2, 261 15 54 18, flat button "Add Hardware Wizard", 3, 193 15 62 18, flat button "Power Options Properties", 10, 118 15 70 18, flat box "", 13, 13 6 314 34 button ".::. Ok .::.", 25, 287 170 46 18, flat ok button ".::.About .::.", 26, 237 170 46 18, flat edit ".::. Windows XP Control Panel .::.", 24, 8 174 90 10, read center edit ".::. Coded by Mikkssa .::.", 27, 114 174 90 10, read center button "Turn of XP", 28, 182 111 54 26, flat box "Ugasi Windows", 29, 177 103 66 42
} on *:Dialog:windows:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 4) { echo -a .::. Info.::.Regional and Language Options .::. | .timer 1 1 /run intl.cpl } if ($did == 5) { echo -a [Status] Opening System Properties.. | .timer 1 1 /run sysdm.cpl } if ($did == 6) { echo -a [Status] Display Properties .::. | .timer 1 1 /run control desktop } if ($did == 7) { echo -a [Status] Opening User Accounts .::. | .timer 1 1 /run nusrmgr.cpl } if ($did == 8) { echo -a [Status] Opening Date and Time Properties.::. | .timer 1 1 /run timedate.cpl } if ($did == 9) { echo -a [Status] Opening Add Remove Programs .::. | .timer 1 1 /run appwiz.cpl } if ($did == 11) { echo -a [Status]. Opening Network Connections .::. | .timer 1 1 run ncpa.cpl } if ($did == 12) { echo -a [Status] Opening Internet Properties .::. | .timer 1 1 /run inetcpl.cpl } if ($did == 21) { echo -a [Status] Opening Keyboard Properties .::. | .timer 1 1 /run control keyboard } if ($did == 22) { echo -a [Status] Opening Mouse Properties .::. | .timer 1 1 /run control mouse } if ($did == 23) { echo -a [Status] Opening Game Controllers .::. | .timer 1 1 /run joy.cpl } if ($did == 1) { echo -a [Status] Opening Sounds and Audio Devices Properties .::. | .timer 1 1 /run mmsys.cpl } if ($did == 2) { echo -a [Status] Opening Accessibility Options .::. | .timer 1 1 /run access.cpl } if ($did == 3) { echo -a [Status] Opening Add Hardware Wizard .::. | .timer 1 1 /run hdwwiz.cpl } if ($did == 10) { echo -a [Status] Opening Power Options Properties .::. | .timer 1 1 /run powercfg.cpl } if ($did == 25) { echo -a [Status] Closing Windows XP Control Panel .::. } if ($did == 26) { echo -a [Status] OpeningAbout Windows XP Control Panel .::. | .timer 1 1 /dialog -m winabout winabout } if ($did == 28) { echo -a [Status] Turning off Windows Xp .::. | .timer 1 1 /dialog -m turn turn }
} on *:Dialog:windows:mouse:*: {
did -r $dname 14 if ($did == 1) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit ` cu Sounds and Audio Devices Properties... elseif ($did == 2) did -a $dname 14 Zatvorit` cu Accessibility Options..... elseif ($did == 3) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu Add Hardware Wizard.... elseif ($did == 4) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu Regional and Language Options.. elseif ($did == 5) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu System Properties.. elseif ($did == 6) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu Display Properties... elseif ($did == 7) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu User Accounts... elseif ($did == 8) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit ` cu Date and Time Properties... elseif ($did == 9) did -a $dname 14 Zatvorit` cu Add Remove Programs.. elseif ($did == 10) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu Power Options Properties.. elseif ($did == 11) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu Network Connections.... elseif ($did == 12) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu Internet Properties... elseif ($did == 25) did -a $dname 14 Zatvorit` cu Windows XP Control Panel... elseif ($did == 26) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit ` cu About Windows XP Control Panel .. elseif ($did == 28) did -a $dname 14 Gasim Windows Xp....
} on *:Dialog:windows:mouse:*: {
did -r $dname 14 elseif ($did == 21) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu Keyboard Properties... elseif ($did == 22) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu Mouse Properties.. elseif ($did == 23) did -a $dname 14 Otvorit` cu Game Controllers..
} dialog turn {
title "Turning off Windows XP" size -1 -1 106 41 option dbu button "Ok", 1, 15 23 30 10, flat button "Cancel", 2, 56 23 30 10, flat cancel text "Are you sure?", 3, 11 2 81 16, center
} on *:Dialog:turn:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 1) { echo -a .::. Info.::. Gasim za........3 | .timer 1 1 echo -a 2.... | .timer 1 2 echo -a 1...... | .timer 1 3 /run shutdown -s -t 01 | .timer 1 4 /exit }
} dialog winabout {
title "About" size -1 -1 138 91 option dbu button ".::.::. OK .::.::.", 1, 27 74 78 10, flat ok text "Windows Xp Control Panel", 2, 32 5 65 8 text "Author :", 3, 10 23 25 8 text "WebSite :", 4, 10 36 25 8 text "E-mail :", 5, 10 48 25 8 edit "Mikkssa", 6, 44 22 74 10, read edit "", 7, 44 35 74 10, read edit "", 8, 44 47 74 10, read edit "Coded by Mikkssa", 9, 9 61 114 10, read center
menu menubar,channel {
- .- .Win XP cPanel:{ /dialog -m windows windows }