Overleg gebruiker:Astirmays

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Hi Astirmays,

Welcome on the Dutch WikiKids. It's a good idea to work together. If you have any ideas how we can do this I like to hear it.

Kind regards,

Gerarddummer 08:45, 8 januari 2007 (UTC)

Hello Astirmays,

I'wll place my answer on the Clubhuis-page. That is our general discussion page.

Gerarddummer 19:42, 18 januari 2007 (UTC)

Hi Astirmays,

very nice to read that there's also a Spanish Vikidia. I think that on our next meeting (somewhere in august or september) we have to discuss how we can work together more. We'll keep you informed.

Gerarddummer 14 jul 2008 20:45 (UTC)

Hi Astirmays, I just came home and saw that I missed a chatsession, sorry. What was it about? Harry.spoelstra 4 mei 2009 22:16 (CEST)

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