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BeschrijvingVector Video Standards4.svg
This image is a revision to Vector Video Standards2.svg intended to resolve the dispute regarding NTSC and PAL resolutions.
Edit summary:
resolution has been merged with VGA and appended a footnote explaining the situation about non-fixed horizontal resolutions due to both the nature of the analog standard and the use of non-square pixels in some digital interpretations of NTSC (like VCD and DVD). The PAL resolution has been also appended the same footnote as NTSC.
I added Widescreen 16:9 NTSC as equivalent to WVGA in terms of square pixels, along with another footnote providing the same non-fixed horizontal-resolution rationale as that for 4:3 NTSC. (Indeed, NTSC DVDs are encoded at the same 720x480 resolution regardless of DAR; the DVD player/software reads the DAR flag and compresses/stretches the output to 640x480/854x480 square pixels accordingly.) Widescreen 16:9 PAL was added as a new resolution assuming square pixels of 1024x576 along with the same footnote added to WVGA(NTSC).
UGA has been renamed to UXGA as recommended by some of the contributors to the talk page for Vector Video Standards2.svg.
2K has been kept as 2048x1080 because that is the resolution specified by the Digital Cinema System Specification 1.2 (http://www.dcimovies.com/DCIDigitalCinemaSystemSpecv1_2.pdf), but a footnote was appended to it pointing out the possibility of non-square pixel resolution, among them 2048x1536 as previously mentioned on the talk page.
I also added XGA+ (1152x864) as requested by another contributor to the talk page. I also added CIF and SIF resolutions which are common for videoconferencing. SIF has been given a footnote allowing for differences in resolution (although the DAR is typically 4:3). Also added 1440x1080 as another resolution that is becoming quite common on computer display, although it is also the same resolution used by HDV and AVCHD cameras (although in such cases, the DAR is 16:9, not 4:3). The situation with CGA has not yet been addressed: the actual/intended DAR might have varied from manufacturer to manufacturer.
On this re-revision, the footnotes have been updated and made more concise.
Originally released under the GNU Free Documentation License, also available as CC-BY-SA 3.0 because of the license update.
Andere versies
Video Standards.png
Vector Video Standards.png
Video Standards.svg
Vector Video Standards2.png
Vector Video Standards2.svg
Vector Video Standards2-2010-16-04.svg
Vector Video Standards3.svg
Vector Video Standards4.svg
Vector Video Standards 3.svg
Vector Video Standards5.svg
Vector Video Standards6.svg
Vector Video Standards7.svg
Vector Video Standards8.svg
Traduzione italiana di Vector Video Standards8.svg
Vector Video Standards.svg
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Oorspronkelijk uploadlogboek
De oorspronkelijke beschrijving van deze afbeelding stond hier. Alle volgende gebruikersnamen verwijzen naar en.wikipedia.
2009-01-24 07:49 Jedi787plus 2562×2050× (59584 bytes) This image is a revision to Vector Video Standards2.svg intended to resolve the dispute regarding NTSC and PAL resolutions. The NTSC 4:3 resolution has been merged with VGA and appended a footnote explaining the situation about non-fixed horizontal resolu
2009-01-19 09:45 Jedi787plus 2562×2050× (56871 bytes) This image is a revision to [[:en:Image:Vector_Video_Standards2.svg|Vector Video Standards2.svg]] intended to resolve the dispute regarding NTSC and PAL resolutions. The NTSC 4:3 resolution has been merged with VGA and appended a footnote explaining the s
2009-01-19 09:07 Jedi787plus 2562×2050× (57100 bytes) {{Information |Description=This image is a revision to en:Image:Vector_Video_Standards2.svg intended to resolve the dispute regarding NTSC and PAL resolutions. The NTSC 4:3 resolution has been merged with VGA and appended a footnote explaining the situati
made rectangles wider than the diagonals; homogenized rect IDs; some coordinates like x="0.99999803" y="0.99999642" to x="1" y="1"; integration of rect 2560x1440; display order of the rect (big to small, first criterion: width), speaking class names (changed from eg. "rect-189" to "rect-ratio_17_9"); eliminate double style definitions; changed color of 17:9 (was bit too similar to 5:3)