Bestand:Hareton and his Cousin, by Edna Clarke Hall.jpg

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English: Hareton and his Cousin, by Edna Clarke Hahll

Identifier: sladecollectiono00slad (find matches)
Title: The Slade; a collection of drawings and some pictures done by past and present students of the London Slade School of Art, MDCCCXCIII-MDCCCVII
Year: 1907 (1900s)
Authors: Slade School of Fine Art
Subjects: Drawing, British
Publisher: (London) : Printed by R. Clay & Sons
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
M 33- Study for Wuthering Heights. Chp. VIII. Edna. Clarke Hall.
Text Appearing After Image:
34, Hareton and his Cousin, Edna Clarke Hall.

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

Auteur Internet Archive Book Images
(Hergebruik van dit bestand)
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Flickr tags
  • bookid:sladecollectiono00slad
  • bookyear:1907
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Slade_School_of_Fine_Art
  • booksubject:Drawing__British
  • bookpublisher:_London____Printed_by_R__Clay___Sons
  • bookcontributor:University_of_California_Libraries
  • booksponsor:Internet_Archive
  • bookleafnumber:88
  • bookcollection:cdl
  • bookcollection:americana
Flickr posted date
30 juli 2014


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24 september 2015


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