Bestand:Glowing gumdrops.jpg

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Afbeelding in hogere resolutie(936 × 624 pixels, bestandsgrootte: 520 kB, MIME-type: image/jpeg)

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these guys didn't last long after my impromptu photo shoot with them.

You HAVE to look at this one large on black - click here 'glowing gumdrops' On Black

sometimes simplicity can be the most rewarding experience in photography. i had more fun setting this shot up than trying to run around out in the world finding the perfect flower, lion, etc. to shoot. of course that could have been because of the intense sugar high i was on by the end of it...

i took this in my dark dining room with a canon 100mm 2.8 usm macro lens with a canon macro ring light mr-14ex flash. i had a flashlight shining on the gumdrops from behind - boosting the reflection. i thought the texture of the dining room table came through nicely.

On June 7 this reached #121 on Explore - thanks!
Bron glowing gumdrops
Auteur Steve from washington, dc, usa


w:nl:Creative Commons
naamsvermelding Gelijk delen
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Deze afbeelding, die oorspronkelijk op Flickr geplaatst is, is gecontroleerd op May 1, 2008 door de moderator of vertrouwde gebruiker File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske), die bevestigt dat het destijds beschikbaar was op Flickr onder de genoemde licentie.


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936 pixel




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huidige versie1 mei 2008 23:36Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 1 mei 2008 23:36936 × 624 (520 kB)File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske) {{Information |Description= these guys didn't last long after my impromptu photo shoot with them. You HAVE to look at this one large on black - click here [ 'glowing gumdrops' On Black

Dit bestand wordt op de volgende pagina gebruikt:


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