Bestand:Amur Leopard Panthera pardus orientalis Facing Forward 1761px.jpg
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Grootte van deze voorvertoning: 770 × 599 pixels. Andere resoluties: 308 × 240 pixels | 617 × 480 pixels | 771 × 600 pixels | 987 × 768 pixels | 1.280 × 997 pixels | 1.761 × 1.371 pixels.
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Datum/tijd | Miniatuur | Afmetingen | Gebruiker | Opmerking | |
huidige versie | 7 jul 2006 03:07 | ![]() | 1.761 × 1.371 (3,1 MB) | Ram-Man | {{Information |Description=A photograph of a Amur Leopard (''Panthera pardus orientalis'') walking forward. Picture taken at and identified by the Philadelphia Zoo. |Source=Own Picture |Date=Sunday, July 2, 2 |
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