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Beschrijving824Painters using scaffolding, construction catwalks and Boysen paints in Bulacan 27.jpg
Taken in Category:Sitios and puroks of the PhilippinesSubdivisions of the PhilippinesBarangayParulan, beside Banga 1st 14°53'12"N 120°51'59"E Plaridel, Bulacan (Note: Judge Florentino Floro, the owner, to repeat, Donor Florentino FloroUser:Judgefloro of all these photos hereby donates gratuitously, freely and unconditionally : as Judge Floro underscores that all these photos uploaded to and for Wikimedia Commons, my - this file - these files - are to be shared and used by anyone in the world however they wish or desire, that is, for public use of the public domain, and again without any condition whatsoever; I have transferred all of my rights, even copyrights, to Wikimedia Commons itself, and in effect these are in public domain, as like I stated, I no longer hold any rights to any of my images and I explicitly allow all people around the world to use them however they wish or desire: and in addition, they and all or anybody need not cite or mention my name in the photos they take from Wikimedia Commons which I donated absolutely - my full PD statement is hereby confirmed and ratified).
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Painters using scaffolding, construction catwalks and Boysen paints in Bulacan