Bestand:1850 Mitchell Map of Holland and Belgium - Geographicus - HollandBelgium-mitchell-1850.jpg

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Samuel Augustus Mitchell: Holland and Belgium.   (Wikidata search (Cirrus search) Wikidata query (SPARQL)  Create new Wikidata item based on this file)
Samuel Augustus Mitchell (1792–1868)  wikidata:Q3445785
S. Augustus Mitchell
Beschrijving Amerikaans cartograaf
Geboorte- en sterfdatum 1792 18 december 1868 Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Geboorte- en sterfplaats Bristol Bewerk dit op Wikidata Philadelphia Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Bibliografische informatie
artist QS:P170,Q3445785
Holland and Belgium.
English: An attractive example of S. A. Mitchell Sr.’s 1850 map of Holland and Belgium. Depicts both countries color coded according to individual departments. Includes Luxembourg. Surrounded by the green border common to Mitchell maps from the 1850s. Prepared by S. A. Mitchell for issued as plate no. 51 in the 1850 edition of his New Universal Atlas . Dated and copyrighted, “Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1850, by Thomas Cowperthwait & Co., in the Clerks office of the District court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Datum 1850 (dated)
Afmetingen hoogte: 13 in (33 cm); breedte: 11 in (27,9 cm)
dimensions QS:P2048,13U218593
dimensions QS:P2049,11U218593
Geographicus link: HollandBelgium-mitchell-1850

Mitchell Sr., S. A.,A New Universal Atlas Containing Maps of the various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics Of The World. (1850 issue)

(Hergebruik van dit bestand)
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huidige versie23 mrt 2011 02:24Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 23 mrt 2011 02:242.496 × 3.000 (2,21 MB)BotMultichillT{{subst:User:Multichill/Geographicus |link= |product_name=1850 Mitchell Map of Holland and Belgium |map_title=Holland and Belgium. |description=An attractive example of S. A. Mitchell Sr

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